March Calendar

March Calendar

As we farewell summer, we welcome the Auckland Arts Festival, which kicks off this week. The Ockham Collective's Ben Fernandez is one of two musicians performing as part of the Auckland Theatre Company's A Mixtape for Maladies, which plays at ASB Waterfront Theatre from tonight until 23 March.

Wednesday 5 March
Irish Session - The Nix

Sunday 9 March
Ukelele Session - The Nix

Monday 10 March
Poetry for Pensioners - The Nix

Wednesday 12 March
Auckland Bluegrass Club - The Nix

Sunday 16 March
Ukelele Session - The Nix

Sandbox Session - The Nix

Monday 17 March
Poetry for Pensioners - The Nix
Fiction Fundamentals - The Nix

Wednesday 19 March
Irish Session - The Nix

Thursday 20 March
Expressive Wellbeing Studio - The Nix
2025 Ockham Collective launch - The Nix

Sunday 23 March
Ukelele Session - The Nix

Monday 24 March
Poetry for Pensioners - The Nix
Fiction Fundamentals - The Nix

Wednesday 26 March
Auckland Bluegrass Club Old-Timey Session - The Nix

Thursday 27 March
Expressive Wellbeing Studio - The Nix

Saturday 29 March
Ukelele Session - The Nix

Sunday 30 March
Ukelele Session - The Nix

Monday 31 March
Poetry for Pensioners - The Nix
Fiction Fundamentals - The Nix

Meet the 2025 Ockham Collective

Meet the 2025 Ockham Collective

Expressive Wellbeing at the Nix

Expressive Wellbeing at the Nix