Poetry & Music

Poetry & Music

It was a grey and dreary Sunday afternoon in late May, the kind that seems designed for curling up on the couch and catching up on Masterchef episodes. Yet a sold-out crowd braved the elements and packed out the Aotea Centre's Limelight Room to hear four of our Ockham Collective musicians performing alongside the nominated poets from the Ockham New Zealand Book Awards, as part of the Auckland Writers Festival. It was an afternoon of memorable, mesmerising performances. If you missed it, you can get an idea here (it was filmed on an iPhone, so apologies for the sound quality).

The event followed on from yet another glittering Ockham New Zealand Book Awards, held earlier in the week. If you haven't caught up on the winners (talking magpies and all), you'll find a lively rundown of all the action on the Ockham website or you can view the full ceremony here.

Fiction Fundamentals

Fiction Fundamentals

Write on!

Write on!